Labels:book | hakham OCR: MacDrawe II Template Information MacDraw u11 cnrne with thres sets of template files or you convenience MacDraw Template: stationer hatch patterns The presentatior templatos are cesiancd to rCIp You create MacDr Desktop Publishing l Dictionaries DTE and template Templates Dist entatio and TISTE Ilbrarles easil Yo Using MacDraw can easil create statio your SVT: teature 35m ari sentntipr termplates dccumen aticr for Ech o the presentolion ternplates cont ains severe jC Sajnuex slidos You Aew want copy the heforn moa lifying thcm. lige. Cho oss This Samples Jap|d] contains three ieste helu yoU mDIe easily varb Choas: Shirt.M Copv Paste rrom the (cre ates the :dit Edt meru newllde with coler In MacDrav ..For morc Inrormation colo please efer to MacDraw "New -eatures B&W Overhead Templates Guid ...